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Eagle Wings Ministry

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Jesus's invitation for all is to experience the peace, security and redemption that He provides concerning this life and eternity. Click on the "How to Get There" link above for a guide to establishing a relationship with the Lord. Dedicate the time to follow the links through to the end.

"Those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.

God's promise is spiritual strength to face whatever is happening and assurance that eternity is in His hands.

The term “eagle wings” provides a Biblical “word-picture” of God's transforming power bringing people into a dynamic relationship in Christ. This theme is found in Revelation 12:14, and Deuteronomy 32:11.

While Revelation 12:14 refers to a time coming in the future, it is also true of the biblical pattern of God’s intervention in the lives of those who would be His people. 

Click 'How to Get There' to a more satisfied and abundant life.

It is our purpose to help you reach the place of freedom and purpose in Christ that God has for you.

To better understand what God is doing in the world today and the "road map of the future" order "Windows into Revelation" available on ebay here: www.ebay.com

Contact Information:

P O Box 82
Elma, WA 98541
email: contact@eaglewingsmin.com

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Eagle Wings Ministry