Eagle Wings Ministry
Letting Jesus In
Revelation 3:20
The key to success and finding peace is to open your heart fully to Jesus. This same person revealed in Revelation chapter one with piercing eyes and feet flaming with the fire of God’s love and holiness wants to spend time with you. It easy to be afraid of close relationships for fear that faults and weaknesses will be exposed. Well, He knows them already, and is waiting for you to open the door and let His healing and inspiring love fill your life. Far too many people just want to hide their inner self and continue in their self-imposed existence. To “dine with Jesus” is representative of the most meaningful relationship. Listen, and open your heart and invite Him in. In John 10:7 Jesus said, "I Am the door of the sheep". He was referring to a sheep fold as an illustration. A sheep fold was a stone wall enclosure with an entrance gate. This provided shelter and protection for the sheep. Every person needs a "sheep fold" consisting of worship, mutual fellowship, and prayer with other believers (other "sheep"). As necessary as the sheep fold fellowship is for your well being there is something greater that is also necessary. Imagine, if you will, a sheep fold. From inside the fold can be found another gate that leads to another enclosure accessible only from inside the fold. Here you will discover private and personal relationship with Jesus. Such a personal and private relationship is what Jesus promised to those who believe in Him. However you must take the initiative to prioritize personal time with Him. Actually this place of relationship is inside of you. Here you experience His glorious presence, His word of encouragement and direction for life. This is a place to find the inner peace that He gives. It is a place where the Lord's glory shines. This is why the Lord is knocking on the door of your heart. He wants to enjoy fellowship with you. He wants to bring the dynamics of His presence powerfully into your inner being! In Revelation 3:20 the Lord says, "I stand at the door and knock". This is His relational promise to you. This door doesn't have a "knob" on the outside. It must be opened from within your heart. Holman Hunt's great picture shows Jesus standing outside of a door knocking. The door has no outside handle. The condition of this relationship is "if any person hears and opens". The promise is "I will come in to Him". The Greek word used in the text means literally to come into a person's house. But the Lord is speaking of the temple of your body. He will come in and "dine" which is symbolic for spiritual fellowship and relationship. This is the desire of the Lord's heart toward you. If you hear and open - He will come in. |