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"Carried On Eagle Wings"

Have you tried to change lifestyle habits or get rid of hindrances and have given up because of repeated failure and disappointment? Most people struggle with fear, shame, guilt, or some hindering habit as they go through continuous cycles of doing better and then worse. Are you aware of the opportunity God offers to a vastly transformed life? This new life is available to all who will let Him take them there.

Growth in Christ is not a "self help program". It takes true humility to ask God to set you free and begin a new lifestyle fully depending on Him. Every person needs "radical change" in some area of their life. This requires a growing "radical faith" in the God of the impossible.

It is important for you to understand the spiritual dynamics of the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, (John 8:32) "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Two major foundational principles for change are found in this verse. The first is spiritual revelation (unveiling of truth to your mind). The second is spiritual transformation (by the power of the Holy Spirit).   Both of these are the work of the Holy Spirit. Yet, YOU must cooperate and honestly push aside guilt, shame, pride, self-pity and fear, admit your need for God's help, and open your life for the Lord to work in you. He will wait until you are willing to let go, and let Him do it.

A third major principle is to walk in the authority of the believer as a son of God. John 1:12 promises "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right (meaning authority) to become children of God, to those who believe in His name."  A person walks by the light that he or she has received. This last step is a new lifestyle step, as the Lord progressively reveals Truth (light), and performs the work of transformation within. It is the individual's responsibility to walk in the victory that the Lord gives, retaining it by faith, and using the authority that the Lord gives to His "sons" and "daughters" to defeat all evil opposition and temptations.

Faith is a very powerful thing. Faith is not a feeling, but a choice a person makes. It is choosing to believe God, and to commit yourself to His principles and purposes. It isn't always easy and you will make mistakes. But the Lord is there to help you. Faith comes from understanding and acting on God's word. Faith also is made alive in you as you learn to cooperate with the Holy Spirit. God gives those who choose to trust Him authority. Through faith you can then use this authority to walk in truth, and to use that authority to resist evil in any situation.

The Lord, in 1 John 2:12-14, describes the maturity process. Each progresses from spiritual “children” to “young men” to “fathers”. We start as "children" with a very simple relationship with the Lord. "Young men" are people who are strong, abide in the Word, and learn how to overcome the evil one. This process has nothing to do with how long you have been a Christian, but how far you have progressed. "Fathers" are those with unwavering faith and mature experience whose presence is a stabilizing factor. This is the process of spiritual maturity. It is a process of being set free from wrong beliefs, hindrances, generational sin baggage, and the breaking of old bondages; and replacing all of these with the fruits of the Spirit, and ministering the gifts of the Spirit.

Open your life to the Holy Spirit’s search: Ps 139: 23  "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me and know my anxious thoughts; 24  And see if there be any hurtful way in me, And lead me in the everlasting way." (The Hebrew word translated into English here for "hurtful way", literally means "way of pain", the unhealty things we hold onto that are hindrances). This prayer is asking the Lord to reveal those things within that you aren't aware of or dealing with.

After such a heart-felt sincere prayer, in His time, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the source of your issues, come into the situation and bring healing and renewal. Then the Lord will enable you to replace anxiety and hindrances with His "everlasting way" via the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Read Galatians Chapter 5). After such a heart-felt sincere prayer, in His time, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the source of your issues, come into the situation and bring healing and renewal. Then the Lord will enable you to replace anxiety and hindrances with His "everlasting way" via the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Read Galatians Chapter 5).

Such change doesn't seem easy. But the work is the Lord's. In history, the Lord took His people to the desert to prepare them for the promised land (life). They were often stubborn and complaining. No one wants to go to the desert, right? But there He fed, led, and prepared them for the conquest of the promised land. (The modern way of life is not God's promised land. The Christian's destination is that city whose builder and maker is God.) Are you ready for the conquest of your promised land?

Click on "Renewal in the Desert" for more the on transformed life. This the "Let God take you there" aspect of the Christian life. The book "Windows Into Revelation" helps to understand the times and how to mature in your relationship with the Lord.

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